Psychiatric SOAP Notes for clinicals Essay Assignment Paper

Soap 1:

Chief Complaint: “Nearly every night, I have a nightmare in which I am lost and unable to find my parents.”


HPI: The patient is a 14-year-old Hispanic female accompanied by her father who presents with complaint of frequent nightmares in which she is lost and is unable to find her parents. She claims that she has trouble falling asleep in the dark since she has vivid nightmares at such times. As a result, she sleeps with the lights on. The father reports that the patient also does not like going to school because she does not want to associate with people and prefers to be alone. Her father also brings up the fact that the patient’s teacher often expresses concern with her inability to concentrate in class. The patient also complains of occasional headaches, reduced appetite, and difficulty falling asleep. She also reports constantly thinking about the death of her best friend’s parents who were involved in a car accident two years ago. Psychiatric SOAP Notes for clinicals Essay Assignment Paper



Vitals: Temp: 36.9 C BP: 114/77 HR: 93 RR: 13 Ht: 5’0 Wt: 92.5 lbs


Current medication: None

Mental status exam:

Patient appears well-dressed with fair grooming. She is alert and oriented x4.  Her attention span is limited. Her mood is dull while her affect is flat. She is cooperative, but fails to maintain eye contact. She does not demonstrate any signs of being agitated or restless. There are no abnormalities in her motor function. Her gait is steady, and she maintains an upright posture. A.P has a low pitch in her speech and a difficult time speaking fluently. She had moments when she would demonstrate verbal disorientation by mixing up the words she was saying. Her behavioral and social functions are significantly impaired. She maintains that she would rather be by herself at school and does not want to engage with her other students. Her judgments appear somewhat impaired. Her memory, both short-term and long-term, are intact. She displays a lack of insight into the alterations in her behavior. She denies suicidal ideation, delusions or auditory hallucinations. Psychiatric SOAP Notes for clinicals Essay Assignment Paper


DSM5 Principal Dx: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) F43.1

Differential diagnosis

  1. Acute Stress Disorder F43.0

Rational: this condition is often associated with nightmares, excessive worry, and decreased attention.

  1. General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) F41.1

Rational: this condition is often associated with excessive worry and sleep problems.


  1. Zoloft 50mg once daily

Rational: Zoloft has been approved as the first-line treatment for PTSD

  1. Laboratory testing: NA
  2. Patient education

– Patient educated on possible side effects of Zoloft

– Patient educated on compliance with the medication regimen

– Patient educated to practice coping strategies that reduce fear and worry

  1. Follow up

Patient to follow up in 4 weeks for progress evaluation

Soap 2

Chief Complaint: “There’s this pain in my neck, it aches, it spreads to my back, I think there’s a lump, right here. I’m really worried.”


HPI: The patient is a 25-year old Caucasian male presenting to the clinic with his colleague who reports that the patient’s productivity at work has been down for three weeks. The client reports pain in his neck that spreads to his back and keeps getting worse. He believes that the pain is due to cancer, caused by “pain, suffering, broken heart” he endures from his colleagues ganging up against him. He denies experiencing any form of abuse.


Vitals: T- 98.4 F HR- 80 R- 15 BP- 118/78 Ht- 5’7 Wt- 133 lbs


Current medication: Levothyroxine for hypothyroidism

Mental status exam:

Patient is occasionally uncooperative with the healthcare provider and declined to answer some of the interview questions. He is well-groomed and dressed properly for the occasion. He exhibits minor motor agitation as he keeps pointing to his neck where the reported pain is located. Appears suspicious of the interviewer and maintains extra vigilant eye contact. His voice is soft at first but becomes louder when he asked about his health problems. Displays flat affect and agitated and irritable mood. His thought process seems non-logical and exhibits greater hesitation in responding to the questions. His thought content comprises paranoid delusions. Has limited concentration span. Memory is intact. He  displays lack of insight into his illness and impaired judgment.


DSM5 Principal Dx: Schizophrenia F20.9

Differential diagnosis

  1. Delusional Disorder Persecutory Type F22

Rational: patients with this disorder often exhibit paranoid delusions and irritable mood.

  1. Bipolar Disorder with Psychotic Features F31.2

Rational: Patients with this disorder often experience delusions during depressive episodes. Psychiatric SOAP Notes for clinicals Essay Assignment Paper


  1. Prescribe Clozapine 12.5 mg once  daily

Rational: Clozapine has been found to improve thinking, mood, and behavior

  1. Start cognitive behavior therapy

Rational: CBT has shown efficacy in helping Schizophrenia patients deal with negative feelings.

  1. Patient education

– Patient educated on importance of being compliant with the medication regimen

Patient educated on practicing relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing

– Patient educated to exercise daily

– Pt educated to seek social support

  1. Follow up

Patient to follow up in 2 weeks to evaluate symptoms and medication regimen adherence.


Soap 3

Chief Complaint: “My family doctor referred me to you.”


HPI: Patient is a 41-year-old Caucasian female who comes to the clinic after a referral by her family physician. The physician had become worried after she had asked for an Oxycodone prescription. The patient reported that Oxycodone is the only medication that helps with her frequent headaches. She reported that she is opposed to putting anything unhealthy into her body and prefers taking one medication to cater to both of her problems rather than taking more than one drug. She reported that she tried other medications, but nothing else has worked since. She has a history of once trying Tylenol with Codeine, which developed an allergic reaction where her face flushed. She also reported that she had tried using acetaminophen, ibuprofen, codeine, and morphine but they did not work. Reports using alcohol twice per week. Denies history of hallucinations or suicidal or homicidal ideations.


Vitals: T- 97.6 F HR- 83 R- 14 BP- 107/69 Ht- 5’4 Wt- 143 lbs


Current medication: vitamin supplements

Mental status exam:

Patient is well-dressed appropriately and fairly groomed. She looks anxious, agitated easily, and fidgety. She has a steady gait and is alert and oriented ×4. She has a clear and coherent speech, is in the right tone, and expresses her thoughts and feelings. She appears suspicious during the interview at times; her affect is flat, she has poor eye contact, but she is cooperative. No auditory hallucinations or suicidal/homicidal ideations. Short-and-long-term memory intact. She has a fair judgment and  logical thought process. Insight into her condition is fair.


DSM5 Principal Dx: Psychoactive substance abuse F19. 10

Differential diagnosis

  1. Opioid use disorder 90

Rational: Patient reports using Oxycodone for a long time for headaches

Alcohol use disorder

Rational: Patient reports using alcohol twice a week.



  1. Prescribe oral methadone 30 mg daily for three days, to be reduced by 20% daily afterwards

Rational: methadone has been approved as a treatment for opioid addiction

  1. Start counseling

Rational: counseling provides necessary support system for the patient

  1. Patient education

– Patient educated on the effects of taking the drugs without prescription

– Patient educated on the being compliant with the treatment prescribed

– Patient educated on the importance of limiting alcohol intake

– Pt educated to join a local support group

  1. Follow up

Patient to follow up in 2 weeks


Soap 4

Chief Complaint: “I haven’t been able to sleep, and I am waking up every hour.”


HPI: Patient is 38-year old African American female who presents with complaints of trouble sleeping for the last four months. She states she does not have trouble falling asleep but wakes often and has trouble remaining asleep. She states that this problem occurs almost every night. The patient states she has tried over the counter melatonin to assist her in falling asleep but it has not helped. The patient states she cannot seem to get into a regular sleep pattern with a consistent rise time. She denies caffeine or alcohol use. States the sleep is affecting her at work. Psychiatric SOAP Notes for clinicals Essay Assignment Paper


Vitals: Temp: 98.4 C BP: 120/71 HR: 91 RR: 14 Ht: 5’2 Wt: 133 lbs


Current medication: None

Mental status exam:

Gait and station: WNL steady walk

Appearance: WNL appropriately dressed

Behavior: anxious

Mood: irritable

Affect: flat

Though process: logical/coherent

Though content: WNL

Perceptual: WNL

Cognition: intact

Attention and concentration: alert and attentive


DSM5 Principal Dx: Insomnia G47.00

Differential diagnosis

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder F41.1

Rational: patients with this disorder experience sleep disturbance and irritable mood

  1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea G47.33

Rational: patients with sleep apnea often experience difficulty staying asleep



  1. Recommend cognitive behavioral therapy

Rational:  CBT helps maintain good sleep hygiene measures and relaxation techniques.

  1. Patient education

– Patient educated to keep a sleep diary

– Patient educated to avoid caffeine and alcohol especially before bed time

– Pt educated to relax sufficiently before bedtime and create an environment conducive to sleep

– Pt educated to ensure minimal noise level during bedtime

  1. Follow up

Patient to follow up in 2 weeks to evaluate her sleep pattern

Soap 5

Chief Complaint: “I’m so afraid of contaminating the kids’ food once again, and I feel so bad about it.”


HPI: Patient is a 51-year-old Hispanic female who works at a children day care. She complains that ever since a case of food poisoning she caused one year ago at the day care, she has been somewhat depressed and has intrusive thoughts off contaminating the food again. Whenever she starts washing utensils, she takes a lot of time washing her hands and cleaning one utensil after another. She repeats her hand washing every time she thinks it is necessary and avoids shaking hands with anyone.


Vitals: Temp: 98.7 F BP: 102/73 HR: 69 RR: 16 Ht: 5’3 Wt: 167 lbs


Current medication: None

Mental status exam:

Gait and station: WNL steady walk

Appearance: WNL appropriately dressed

Behavior: anxious, guilty

Mood: sad

Affect: flat

Though process: logical/coherent

Though content: intrusive thoughts

Perceptual: WNL

Cognition: intact

Attention and concentration: alert and attentive


DSM5 Principal Dx: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder F42

Differential diagnosis

  1. Body Dysmorphic Disorder 22

Rational: patients with this disorder being experience excessive concern over physical appearance

  1. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder F60.5

Rational: Patients with this disorder exhibit extreme perfectionism


  1. Prescribe Clomipramine 25 mg once daily

Rational: Clomipramine helps decrease obsessions and the urge to perform repeated tasks

  1. Begin CBT

Rational: CBT helps patients develop a more effective way of responding to obsessions and compulsions

  1. Patient education

– Patient educated on being compliant with the treatment regimen

– Patient educated to practice self-relaxation techniques, such as yoga.

  1. Follow up

Patient to follow up in 2 weeks



Student:                                                   Date:

Patient’s Age 68         Gender: Male�Female�

ALLERGIES (Drugs, food, tape, dyes, latex, etc) yes  no X (If yes) Specify: Ampicillin

Describe reaction(s)


,Reason for admit COPD exacerbation and pneumonia

Admit diagnosis

COPD and pneumonia

Surgeries/Procedures (current)

Other medical diagnoses none


Previous hospitalizations/surgeries/year _UTO

Ancillary consults (therapy, dietary, social services, child life, etc.)  UTO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


Advanced Directives: Living will  DNR  Other


Isolation: yes  no X  (If yes) type                                  


Restraints in use: yes  no X  (If yes) Restraint protocol                                                                                                                     *see attached




General appearance_pleasant male                                            Immunizations up-to-date: yes X  no  If no, explain                                                                                                         

Received the Flu vaccine yes  no  UTO TDAP yes  no UTO                   Pneumonia Vaccine yes  no UTO Recent illness/exposure to communicable disease _ UTO

Strategies done to manage health _ none

Use of: Tobacco yes  no  (If yes) How long

UTO         How much




ETOH yes  no  (If yes) How long

UTO                      How much



Other illicit substance(s) use: none

Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) use: none

Medications (Current Prescription, OTC, & CAM)

 Drug/Dosage/Route/Frequency) Psychiatric SOAP Notes for clinicals Essay Assignment Paper




Cetriaxone I g IV bolus every 12 hours



Nicotine 21 mg T daily

Methylprednisolone 40mg IV bolus Q 12hr


Salmaterol 1inhalation every 12hr

Albuterol 2.5 mg every 4 hr


Home medication compliance/noncompliance _ compliant

*see attached

Laboratory Data (Identify labs: High=H, Low=L, Critical =C, *** = Trend)

blanks are for other pertinent labs


DAY:à         DAYà  
Test:â Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Current: Test à Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Current:
RBC —- —- —- 4.8 Na —- —- —- 135






—-                  8

K                       —–








—-                  9.3




—-                  22







—-                  29



































PT                    —–




Total Chol.































CO2                                                                                                                                          —-


MICROBIOLOGY CULTURE RESULTS                                                         VITAL SIGN FLOWSHEET





24 hour results


48 hour results


72 hour results

—-                             HR

Day 1




Day 3


Current: 88














BP                     —–


RR                    —–




































99 .4











Diagnostic Tests

(Admit, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Current/RESULTS)


Chest X-ray  —-

*blanks are for other diagnostic tests



EKG                  —-


CT scan        —-


MRI                    —-


Ultrasound         —-


Other X-ray AP Pelvis and Hip: Left intertrochanter hip Fx                                                                                                         *see attached


Nutritional/Metabolic Patterns/                          ID Wounds (numbered refer to in form), IV sites, incisions, drains, etc.




Current weight_156lbs

Admit weight_UTO



Last 3 daily weights        —-                                      —-                           —-

Current diet_ UTO

Supplements  UTO          Restrictions _none

Pattern of intake at home_ UTO

Appetite_ UTO                        Anorexia    no                     Nausea/vomiting: _denies                


Energy level


Recent wt.loss/gain



Condition of mouth/throat: _membranes intact; shows no signs of dehyration                                                                                                                             Difficulty swallowing: no signs of dysphagia_ Problems chewing   UTO Dentures: None  Full  Partial  Wears them? yes  no UTO

Restrictions: NPO after midnight the night before Sx   Fluid Restriction_none

Upper GI distress (describe) _UTO


NG/PEG/Dobhoff (circle one) suction Enteral nutrition (type/rate)

character Flush

Tube feeding residuals

TPN (type/rate)            —-

IV fluids (type/rate)_none



Skin: Moisture_dry

Turgor                    Bruises


Pruritus none                      



Edema _none                                         Incisions            none                 Rash                        yes Wounds                   none

IV sites — Type: _UTO  Central             PICC           Peripheral

Condition:                                                                                                                                  Dialysis access sites       none                                                                             Thrill                                                                                                                                 

Orthopedic devices       none







Other data         *see attached





Day 1


Day 2


Day 3

Day 4


     Water 250mL      
IV Fluids            

Tube feeding

24 hr total     575mL      
Output Admit   Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Urine     300mL, 300mL      
Drain 1            
Drain 2            
24 hr total     600mL      

Running Balance (difference in total intakes and total outputs since admission) (+ / -) -25 fluid deficit

*Indicate other intake/output; Stool (liquid/colostomy)                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *see


Elimination Patterns


Bowel habits: #BMs/day_2       Last BM <24 hours/25-36 hours/37-48 hours/>2 days UTO


Usual pattern







Diarrhea (#/day)_ UTO




Occult blood




changes           —-


Ostomy: Type




Self care?




Stoma condition


Stool appearance




Use of laxatives, enemas, etc (what & how often) _docusate sodium 100mg orally once daily


Abdominal PE: Contour                  Firmness     X Describe               



Bowel sounds

UTO           Quads               


Abd girth

UTO                            Ascites      no





Bladder habits: WNL_X



Nocturia       —-

Urgency_—-_ Hematuria_—-





Incontinent: Yes  No  X (if yes): Always  Occasional  Daytime  Nighttime  Difficulty reaching toilet


Assistive devices: Catheter        no






Urine: Color

UTO                    Odor

UTO                    Clarity

UTO                        Sediment





Dialysis : Yes  No  X (if yes) type


how often




Other pertinent data

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       *see attached


Activity – Exercise Patterns



Activity level/pattern (prior to admit)




habits               UTO

History of physical disability          UTO                                                                               Uses assistive devices UTO

Current activity level (orders) _Bedrest                                                               Falls risk rating _45 Restraints_none

Range of motion: Full                      Other

Ability to walk    yes                                Balance and gait: Steady      UTO                                      Unsteady UTO

Casts/splints/braces    none                           Fractures/contractures/arthritis/other  hip


Verbalizes fatigue or weakness _no       General_—                  Focal_—


Observed responses to activity (SOB, inc. pulse, B/P, etc) _UTO       SPO2 :Before  UTO       After  UTO       


*Feeding _UTO  *Meal preparation _UTO  *Cleaning _UTO  *Bathing _UTO

*Dressing UTO       

*Grooming _UTO  *Toileting _UTO  *Shopping _UTO  *Laundry _UTO  Handedness: Right  Left  Able to use?


Physical or Occupational Therapy consult

  *ADL Code (current status):

0  Total independence

1  Requires device assistance

2  Requires 1 person assistance

3  Requires device and person assistance 4 Total dependence

Other pertinent data _may need home health care
Cardiovascular Status

BP: RA                —-                             LA  —-                                 Sitting     —-                               Lying       —-

Standing    —-

Pulse: Apical _88bp           /min Radial _89bp           /min Strong  X        Weak            

Peripheral: pulses: R upper:                                    L upper:                                    R lower:                                    L lower:            

Nail bed color_pink                       Capillary refill_<2 sec                                 Temperature                                            Moisture


Edema     none present                                Sensation _yes                            JVD              UTO                         

Skin color: WNL      X                   Pale                        Cyanotic                        Flushed                        Other


Mucous membranes: Pink X             Pale                       Cyanotic                       Other intact

Heart sounds:          UTO                      S3           UTO                    S4         UTO                        Other                                  

Hx of murmur          UTO                            A-V bruit          UTO                            

Pacemaker                      UTO                                                              If yes, type & settings          —-


Telemetry Yes  No  (if yes) cardiac rhythm


DVT prophylaxis regimen (describe)_ UTO

Other pertinent data _ UTO

Respiratory Status

Rate 15bpm                              Quality: Depth    deep                                     Rhythm_even, bilaterally                                                      Accessory use none

Retractions: Type         UTO                       Severity      UTO                            

SOB on exertion (type activity)                   Yes UTO   SOB at rest_Yes            Cough Yes Sputum (describe)_green sputum_

Best position for breathing                UTO                                            O2

supplements                 none

Breath sounds: (describe all lung fields): R upper anterior              UTO                              R lower anterior        UTO


L upper anterior                UTO                         L lower anterior                                                       UTO                        – R upper posterior                                           UTO                         R lower posterior             UTO

L upper posterior              UTO                         L lower posterior               UTO


Airway adjuncts            —-

Secretions                           none

Chest tubes: location           no                                  settings                  —-                                 drainage           —-

ABG’s: pH  —-                 PO2          —-                  PCO2           —-                Bicarb (HCO3)_—-              O2 Sat               —-

Other pertinent data                                                                                                                                                                      *see attached

Sleep-Rest Patterns  
Usual patterns: hours/night _ UTO   AM nap _ UTO          PM nap _ UTO   Bedtime rituals/sleep patterns                                                                   UTO Methods to promote sleep      UTO                                                                                                                      Feel rested after sleep                       UTO

Problems: Recent changes           UTO             Insomnia              UTO               Snoring          UTO                    Hypersomnia                                           UTO Sleep Apnea              UTO                           Nightmares                            UTO                                                                  Other_

Sleeps in: Crib       —-                         Bed                                          Specialty Bed                                 no Other pertinent data

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     *see attached

Cognitive/Perceptual Patterns  

Level of education                  UTO                                   Primary Language       UTO                    Able to speak English                            yes

Abnormal thought processes            UTO                               Memory loss (short/long term)                                                               UTO Meeting Developmental Milestones                                                               UTO

Other pertinent data



Hearing: WNL   UTO           Impaired _ UTO               Deaf   no             Hearing aid   UTO             Tinnitus _ UTO


Vision:  WNL       X           Impaired                 Glasses  UTO             Contact lenses       UTO             Cataracts  UTO                                  

Prosthesis(R/L)        UTO           Lens implants(R/L)  UTO               Glaucoma       UTO              

Taste: WNL                        Impaired                      UTO

Smell: WNL                        Impaired                       UTO Touch: WNL                      Impaired      UTO

Numbness/tingling                —-                                                     Dizziness_ UTO                                                                           Vertigo_ UTO Other pertinent



*see attached

Neuro Sensory

Mental Status: Alert_X      Oriented (x 4_)                 Receptive aphasia _no         Confused _ no               Combative _ no                                                 

Obtunded_ no             Unresponsive _ no               

Speech: WNL  X               Slurred        no                  Garbled        no             Expressive aphasia       no                

Pupils: Equal      X         Unequal         X   Size: (R)      5cm        (L) _5cm       React to light: (R) _ X         (L)       X   Accommodation

X _

Other (surgeries,

etc)           UTO

Reflexes: DTR’s:                        UTO                                                                 Superficial:                   UTO


Movement & strength of extremities: R upper  X             L upper          X                 R lower      X   L lower_decreased

Seizure activity:                                                                                     no                     Type               —-


Fontanel (infants only): soft/flat_n/a                       full/tense        n/a                      depressed        n/a                   

Restraint Use                             n/a




data                                                                                                                                                                                                              *see attached  

Acute pain: location    UTO                           intensity (rating)     UTO      quality_ UTO             duration UTO                          pattern UTO             Chronic pain: location    osteoporosis                                intensity (rating)_ UTO                                     duration                             UTO

              pattern   UTO                 


Type of Pain Scale _ UTO

Precipitating factors UTO Aggravating factors UTO Accompanying symptoms  UTO

Pain relief measures UTO


Satisfaction with relief (pain rating, etc.)                 UTO

CA pump (medication, dosage, pump settings)       none

Other discomforts _none                                                                                                                                                                      Relief measures_ UTO

Other pertinent data

Major concerns regarding hospitalization/illness/perceived self concept          possibly he will no longer be able to do ADLs


Major losses in last year               UTO                                            Major life changes in last year     UTO


Body image changes_ UTO (may now have to use a walker, cane)                              Changes in abilities/role               UTO


Emotional state: Calm _           Cheerful           Euphoric           Anxious           Withdrawn           Sad   X  Irritable                                                       Demanding     

Stressors                            UTO (possibly dizzy spells)

Usual methods for stress management           UTO


Relaxation techniques                             UTO                                                                                                                                  

Other pertinent data

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       *see attached

Female: Pregnancies _                 Children _       LMP               Menopause                                                                    Menstrual problems                                                                                                                                                                     Last mammogram                Monthly self breast exams:                                                                                          Last pap smear

Vaginal discharge                                                             Lesions                                                         Bleeding

Male: Last prostate exam 1-6 months/6-12 months/1-2 years/> 2 years. Monthly self testicular exam: yes� no�

History of STI                        UTO


Sexual concerns                    UTO


Other pertinent data:     none


Role-Relationship Patterns  
Occupation:     UTO                                                                    Employment status                  UTO                           

Marital status: Single            Married            Separated            Divorced            Widowed            UTO

Support systems: Spouse                                                  Family in same residence                          UTO                                               

Family not in residence     daughter                                                                Neighbors/friends        UTO


Parents Involved(if patient is a minor)      —-                               Visiting _—-

Educational level: UTO                                                          Educational level of parent (if patient is a minor)_—-

Family concerns regarding hospitalization: _at risk for falls                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Changes in roles/relationships             UTO


Other pertinent data: _ may need in home health and monitoring                                                                                                                                                                                                                                *see attached Psychiatric SOAP Notes for clinicals Essay Assignment Paper



Value-Belief Patterns  
Cultural/ethnic background _Latino                                                                                       Denomination Christian

Life goals/values   UTO


Spiritual values/beliefs which influence health                    UTO                                                                                                      

Request pastoral care/support person                  possibly daughter

Other pertinent data: none                                                                                                                                                                 

Discharge Planning & Teaching Needs  
Anticipated D/C date: cannot anticipate discharge date

Discharged to_ UTO (possibly daughter)                                      Lives with          UTO                                                  

Major caregiver         Daughter                              Available help at home                     UTO                                                                          

Anticipated self-care problems post-discharge _deep breathing exercices

Previous use of community resources          UTO


Insurance Status:                       Assistive devices needed  UTO

Home Medical Equipment      UTO


Need for community resources post discharge _Home health and physical therapist Referrals made at discharge: (record

date)      none

Other pertinent data:    none                                                                                                                             

Teaching Needs:

1)     Smoking cessation

2)     Risk for falls

3)     Deep breathing exercises

4)     Rest between activities


©Universityof LouisianaatLafayette,CollegeofNursing&AlliedHealthProfession:NursingAssessmentTool.doc(J.B.rev.081507) Psychiatric SOAP Notes for clinicals Essay Assignment Paper